
Canyoning e Zipline Cascate di Polilimnio

In Evidenza

  • Introduzione guidata e preparazione dell'attrezzatura: Incontro al parcheggio del Polylimnio, trasferimento al punto di partenza e briefing sul canyoning. Si equipaggi con mute, caschi e imbracature.
  • Piscine naturali e cascate: Salti e nuoti in piscine naturali e scenda da cascate mozzafiato, scoprendo la bellezza della natura lungo il percorso.
  • Emozionante esperienza di zipline: Vola sopra un lago su un'emozionante zipline con cavo di 30 metri, aggiungendo un elemento emozionante all'avventura.
  • Salga la cascata più grande: Affronti la cascata più importante con l'opzione di calarsi, spesso accolta dagli applausi degli spettatori.
  • Concluda con un picnic: Concluda l'esperienza del canyoning vicino al parcheggio con un gustoso picnic, riflettendo sui momenti emozionanti della giornata.
Source: Explore Messinia


Il luogo

Le cascate di Polylimnio sono un paradiso terrestre e uno dei siti più sorprendenti del Peloponneso. A pochi chilometri da Kalamata si trova il luogo perfetto per il canyoning, ideale per i principianti. Offre una combinazione unica di salti impressionanti, nuotate in piscine cristalline, facili discese in cascata e, naturalmente, un'emozionante zipline su uno dei laghi. Canyoning & Zipline Polylimnio Waterfalls è perfetto per tutti coloro che vogliono trascorrere una giornata indimenticabile nella natura, con un pizzico di avventura e tanto divertimento. Perfetto anche per i principianti e le famiglie con bambini a partire dagli 8 anni! Il canyon è dotato di un sentiero che corre lungo il lato, quindi è ideale per gli amici o i familiari che desiderano semplicemente venire a guardare, scattare foto e godersi il canyon da lontano.


Incontra la sua guida al Parcheggio Polylimnio e viene trasferito al punto di partenza. La guida le spiegherà tutto ciò che deve sapere sul canyoning e su come ottenere il massimo divertimento. Le fornirà anche mute, caschi e imbracature e sarà pronto a partire. Lungo il percorso, scoprirà le meraviglie della natura, salterà e nuoterà in piscine naturali scendendo da cascate e, naturalmente, avrà la possibilità di sorvolare un lago con la nostra emozionante zipline con cavo di 30 metri. Avrà anche la possibilità di scendere dalla cascata più grande e più importante. Qui, molti visitatori vengono a fare il bagno e spesso si sentono applaudire quando la vedono calarsi dalla cascata.

La sua guida la accompagnerà durante l'attività per garantire un'esperienza di canyoning sicura e divertente. Nessuno dei salti o delle calate è obbligatorio, quindi si senta libero di utilizzare il sentiero se non si sente abbastanza a suo agio. Terminiamo la nostra esperienza di canyoning alla fine della gola, vicino al parcheggio, gustando un gustoso picnic e ricordando i momenti emozionanti che abbiamo vissuto fino a poco fa.

Source: Explore Messinia

Cosa è incluso


  • Muta e calze in neoprene
  • Attrezzatura di alta qualità: Casco, imbracatura, moschettoni, corde, borse impermeabili
  • Conduttore professionista di canyoning in possesso anche del certificato di primo soccorso
  • Guida culturale ed educativa ecologica
  • Picnic con pane appena sfornato, verdure raccolte a mano, olio d'oliva fatto in casa, formaggio locale e frutta
  • Trasferimento dal punto di arrivo al punto di partenza
  • Fotografie del viaggio
  • Assicurazione di responsabilità civile
  • Tutte le tasse

Non incluso

    . Incluso
    • Acqua (si prega di portare la propria bottiglia d'acqua piena)
    • Scarpe da canyoning
    • Trasferimento al punto d'incontro
    • Mancia o mancia
    • Presa e consegna dell'hotel su richiesta.
Source: Explore Messinia

Informazioni aggiuntive

Ora di ritrovo: 09:30

Punto di ritrovo: Villaggio di Haravgi, area di parcheggio Polylimnio.

Durata: 3 ore comprese le pause

Difficoltà: Facile con alcuni tratti moderati

Seducibilità: Adatto alle famiglie, Adatto ai gruppi, Adatto alle coppie, Adatto ai giovani

Sapere prima di prenotare Canyoning &ampline Polylimnio Waterfalls

Requisiti dell'attività:

- Non è richiesta un'esperienza precedente

- Saper nuotare è obbligatorio per questa attività.

- Buone condizioni fisiche e mentali

- L'accompagnamento dei genitori è necessario per i minori che partecipano a questa attività.

- I bambini a partire dagli 8 anni possono partecipare a questa escursione.

- Il peso minimo per questa attività è di 25 kg.

- È obbligatorio compilare un modulo di rinuncia scritto prima di partecipare a questa attività.

Sapere prima di partire

Cosa portare con sé:

- Bottiglia d'acqua (1,5 litri a persona)

- Eventuali farmaci specifici che sta assumendo

- Maglietta a maniche corte o lunghe (ad asciugatura rapida se disponibile)

- Crema solare

- Asciugamano

- Costume da bagno o pantaloncini

- Cambio di vestiti asciutti (per cambiarsi dopo il canyoning)

- Un paio di scarpe di ricambio che si bagneranno. Sono adatte le scarpe da trekking o le scarpe da ginnastica (scarpe aperte, sandali o infradito non sono adatti)

Source: Explore Messinia


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    All our tours and activities have been chosen for maximum quality and reliability.
  • Flexible cancellation policy

    Discover Greece is in close contact with providers to ensure flexibility in the event of cancellation.
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Cancelation Policy


This document outlines the terms of cooperation between Explore Outdoor Activities and the Client. We reserve the right to change these terms and conditions at any time. Any changes will take effect when posted on the website and dated in the header notes. It is your responsibility to read the terms and conditions on each occasion you use our service and your continued use of our service shall signify your acceptance to be bound by the latest terms and conditions. Our terms and conditions are binding on all of our customer orders made online and manually over the telephone.


1. Booking Confirmation

Explore Outdoor Activitiesrequires from the Client a 25% deposit of the total trip cost. The deposit has to be made no later than 60 days before the start date of the trip. To secure a booking, the remaining amount has to be paid no later than 10 days before the start date of the trip. The booking of a particular trip is secured, only upon receipt of the above payment along with the confirmation from our bank that the amount due has been transferred. After the receipt of the above, we will email you your booking confirmation. All payments must be in EUROS and can be made by bank transfer .


2. Late Payments

In case the Client completed payment later than 10 days before the start of the trip Explore Outdoor Activities is not obliged to accept booking. In order to accept this booking,Explore Outdoor Activitieswill ask the Client to pay for an additional charge 10% of the total trip cost.


3. Last minute bookings

In case the Client has a request for a last-minute booking, Explore Outdoor Activities will advise availability. Additional charges may apply for this booking to be accepted.


4. Cancelation by client

For all of our Day Trips

  • Cancelation by the client 2 days (48 hours) or more prior to departure – Full refund.
  • Cancelation by the client 1 to 0 days (less than 48 hours) prior to departure – No refund
  • No show – No Refund

For all of our Multi-Day Trips

  • Cancellation 61 days before the start of the trip: Explore Outdoor Activities will refund 100% of your deposit.
  • Cancellation 60-31 days before the start of the trip: Explore Outdoor Activities reserves 50% of your deposit..
  • Cancellation 30-11 days before the start of the trip: Explore Outdoor Activities reserves 100% of your deposit.
  • Cancellation 10-0 days before the start of the trip: Explore Outdoor Activities reserves 100% of whole paid amount.
  • In the case of no show of a Client Explore Outdoor Activities reserves the right to keep the whole paid amount.


5. Flexible Cancellation Policy due to Covid-19

For any cancellation which may occur due to governmental travel restrictions from your country of origin or travel restrictions in Greece the following terms will be valid: For any governmental restrictions occurred Explore Outdoor Activities will refund you any paid amount, minus 50% of the deposit to cover administration expenses and cancellation fees of the hoteliers or transfer service providers.


6. During the programm

The Client agrees to accept the authority and decisions of the Explore Outdoor Activities’s employees, tour leaders and agents whilst on the program with Explore Outdoor Activities. If in the opinion of such persons the health or action of a participant at any time before or after departure appears likely to endanger the safe, comfortable or smooth progress of a program, the participant may be excluded from all or part of the program without refund or compensation. In case of health/medical problem, Explore Outdoor Activities may make such arrangements, as it seems fit and recover the costs thereof from the participant. If a participant commits an illegal act, the participant may be excluded from the program, and Explore Outdoor Activitiesshall cease to have the responsibility to/ for them.


7. Alterations to the program by Explore Outdoor Activities

The itinerary is subject to change at the discretion of the tour leader, for safety reasons. The tour leader may suggest alternative itinerary or and activities for those given in the program for the group to choose. Explore Outdoor Activities reserves the right to make a change or alter the trip, due to weather conditions, safety reasons, low physical level, low participation (if a minimum participation level is required for a program to run) or any other factor beyond our control -force majeure (natural disasters, inclement weather, strikes etc). Such changes will always be at the discretion of the company’s group leader and the company.


8. Alterations by the Client - participants

Any sudden or not justified change (date, destination, number of participants, etc), is regarded as a cancellation and complies with the conditions of paragraph 4.


9. Extra expenses

All extra expenses have to be paid on the spot by the Client. These are expenses requested by the Client during/after the program that had not been originally requested (such as gratuities, side excursions, extra transfers, extra overnights, extra food and beveragesetc).


10. Complaints – Refund Policy

In case the Client requires a refund after the end of the program, he/she has to state his/her demand in writing, at the latest 10 working days after the end of the program. Explore Outdoor Activities will review the request and revert within 10 working days, after carefully examining the demands and facts of the tour.Explore Outdoor Activities will not provide any refund to the Client unless the above procedure has been followed.No refund will be given for any unused services.


11. Physical condition

An average physical condition is required for all trips. Please consider the suitability of such a trip/activity before booking. It is the responsibility of the client to be aware of the fitness level for a particular trip. When in doubt, please call Explore Outdoor Activities and discuss it. By sending a deposit toward your trip purchase the Client certifies that do not have any physical condition or disability that would create a hazard for him/her or other travelers..


12. Weather and safety

Our outdoor trips and activities are in the natural environment and will be affected by the weather. The weather in Greece might be very changeable both to temperatures and type of weather. On our tours, you might experience both sunshine, rain, wind, calm and a variety of temperatures on the same day.We recommend bringing appropriate clothing for every season. For multiday tours please pay close attention to the list of recommended items to bring.


13. Health and Safety

Explore Outdoor Activities focus entirely on clients’ experience and our priority is always his/her health and safety. Now, more than ever, we focus on every aspect of hygiene for our guests and employees without overlooking client’s contentment while touring with us. We are following closely the guidelines of Greece’s top health experts and the Greek government; therefore, we have taken precautionary measures, reinforcing our already stringent practices in, group of participants management, food hygienic standards, equipment disinfection, and cleaning. With this in mind, the following are measures currently in place:

  • Safe distances will be kept between travelers and guides in activities such as, kayaking, hiking, canyoning.
  • Our kayaks, paddles, PFD’s, and equipment will be daily washed and disinfected.
  • The Maximum number of participants to all our trips will be decreased to meet those defined by the law and the sanitary standards.
  • All the hygienic measures will be applied to our snacks, picnic's, meals (such as personalized packed ingredients, etc), without neglecting our commitment to our environmental policy for the use of less plastic.
  • Our guides will be well trained and updated so any inconvenience will be avoided and they will be there to ensure the application of the above.

In addition to all the measures, we are willing to take for clients’ health and safety, it is important that client understand and comply with the basic personal hygiene rules.


14. Travel Insurance

It is client’s responsibility to ensure that she/he has adequate insurance cover for her/his arrangement and activities with Explore Outdoor Activities. We can accept no responsibility if client fails to take out adequate insurance in relation to our trips or holidays arrangements. Before traveling on a trip or holiday, we strongly recommend client reviews her/his personal insurance and health insurance to ensure she/he has coverage appropriate to meet her/his needs, and the needs of her/his family and dependents, in case of any loss of property or illness, injury, or death.


15. Photography and video

During the program, participants are being photographed and video recorded. All material is used by Explore Outdoor Activities for its promotional activities (brochures, website, advertisements, etc.). In case client do not wish to show up to our promotional material she/he should send us a written declaration.

Compliant with the Directive (EU) 2015/2302, based on the Presidential Decree 7/2018


16. Responsibilities – Disclaimer

By booking on to outdoor activity or a holiday package with Explore Outdoor Activities, the client accepts that she/he is participating in activities of her/his own accord, entirely at her/his own risk, and expressly accept that neither Explore Outdoor Activities or its employees have any responsibility or liability for loss or injury. The trips and activities (mainly outdoor) operated by the Explore Outdoor Activities are suitable for most of the general public. Participants need an average level of fitness (unless the program states another level of fitness), teamwork mentality, and the ability to follow instructions. However, despite all our efforts to keep a high standard of safety, there is always an element of risk of personal injury or even death, given the nature of outdoor activities. The responsibility of Explore Outdoor Activities is limited to ensure that all the necessary equipment and experienced guides are provided for the tour and that the safest routes are the chosen ones.