
E-Bike Tour Navarino Trail


El lugar

La bahía de Navarino, que acuna la laguna de Gialova, la prístina playa de Voidokilia, la cascada de Kalamaris y el tranquilo puerto con la isla de Sphacteria, presenta una mezcla idílica del esplendor de la naturaleza. Tiene la importancia de ser uno de los humedales más meridionales de toda Europa, no sólo de Grecia. Al albergar una plétora de especies de aves, el hábitat de la laguna de Gialova es un paraíso para los observadores de aves. Situada cerca de Pilos y del legendario palacio de Néstor, la bahía de Navarino cuenta con la famosa playa de Voidokilia, en forma de omega. Su belleza inalterable y su rico ecosistema atraen a entusiastas de la naturaleza de todo el mundo. Disfrute de un viaje sin prisas por este ecosistema de humedales y sus tesoros menos conocidos con nuestra excursión guiada en e-bici por el Sendero de Navarino. Gracias a la e-bike, podrá sumergirse en la cautivadora belleza de esta utopía griega con el mínimo esfuerzo.

La actividad

Reúnase con sus guías en la playa de Divari, cerca de la localidad de Gialova. Comenzará con una rápida introducción al uso de las bicicletas eléctricas de montaña y una sesión informativa sobre seguridad.A continuación, emprenderá un suave camino de grava, pasando por extensos olivares centenarios a medida que se dirige hacia la costa, llegando finalmente a la laguna de Gialova, hábitat de 270 especies de aves. Su primera parada será en un punto elevado con amplias vistas de toda la laguna, donde escuchará a su guía relatar la rica historia. Si tiene suerte, podrá ver a través de sus prismáticos bandadas de flamencos deleitándose en las aguas poco profundas de la laguna. Continuará su viaje, pedaleando por un esbelto camino de grava hacia la famosa playa de Voidokilia, un verdadero testimonio de la belleza de la naturaleza.

Su siguiente parada será en la cascada de Kalamaris, situada en el interior de una verde colina rodeada de un bosque abundante en robles, plátanos y pinos. Este exuberante humedal es el lugar perfecto para saborear un picnic repleto de delicias locales. Aquí también tendrá la opción de darse un baño bajo la cascada. Tras un posible baño tonificante, iniciará el descenso de vuelta al punto de partida. Aquí, nos separaremos, dejándonos mutuamente recuerdos inolvidables de nuestro viaje.

Source: Explore Messinia

Qué incluye


  • Bicicletas eléctricas rígidas HaiBike
  • Equipamiento de alta calidad: Casco, bolsas para bicicletas
  • Líder profesional de ciclismo, certificado en primeros auxilios
  • Guía ecológico, cultural y educativo
  • Picnic con pan recién horneado, verduras cosechadas a mano, aceite de oliva virgen extra, queso local y frutas de la temporada
  • Fotografías de la excursión
  • Todos los impuestos

No incluye

  • Agua (por favor traiga su propia botella llena de agua)
  • Traslado al punto de encuentro
  • Tip o propina
  • Recogida en el hotel/devolución a petición.
Source: Explore Messinia

Información adicional

Hora de la reunión: 8:30

Punto de encuentro: Laguna de Gialova

Duración: 4 horas incluyendo descansos

Dificultad: Fácil, mayormente llano

Adecuación: Para familias, Para grupos, Parejas, Jóvenes, Niños mayores de 10 años

Saber antes de reservar E-Bike Tour Navarino Trail

Requisitos de la actividad:

- Alguna experiencia previa

- Saber montar en bicicleta de manera eficiente en caminos de grava y tierra lisa es necesario para esta actividad.

- Relativamente buena condición física

- Se requiere el acompañamiento de los padres para que los menores participen en esta actividad.

- Es obligatorio rellenar un formulario de renuncia por escrito antes de participar en esta actividad.


Terreno: Mixto principalmente en terreno llano con algunas subidas cortas

Distancia: 15 - 25 km

Elevación total: 50m - 100m

Duración: 4 horas

Nivel: Intermedio

La distancia de la ruta y los detalles de la elevación total se ajustan a las habilidades y capacidades del grupo.

Saber antes de salir

Qué llevar:

- Botella de agua (Una botella reutilizable ayuda a minimizar los residuos plásticos)

- Cualquier medicación que esté tomando

- Zapatos de senderismo o para correr (evite los zapatos abiertos, sandalias o chanclas)

- Ropa cómoda según las condiciones meteorológicas

- Sombrero o gorro, gafas de sol, crema solar

- Mochila pequeña (opcional)

Source: Explore Messinia


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    All our tours and activities have been chosen for maximum quality and reliability.
  • Flexible cancellation policy

    Discover Greece is in close contact with providers to ensure flexibility in the event of cancellation.
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Cancelation Policy

General Terms & Conditions

This document outlines the terms of cooperation between Explore Messinia and the Client. We reserve the right to change these terms

and conditions at any time. Any changes will take effect when posted on the website and dated in the header notes. It is your

responsibility to read the terms and conditions on each occasion you use our service and your continued use of our service shall signify

your acceptance to be bound by the latest terms and conditions. Our terms and conditions are binding on all of our customer orders

made online and manually over the telephone.

1. Day Trip Booking Confirmation

Pre-arrangements and pre-bookings are made for all Day Trips through email or phone but nothing is confirmed until Explore Messinia

sends to the Client a booking confirmation email for a specific program and date. Explore Messinia requires from the Client full payment

of the total trip cost. Payment has to be made no later than 7 days before the start date of the trip.

The booking of a particular day trip is secured, only upon receipt of the above payment along with the confirmation from our bank that

the amount due has been transferred. After the receipt of the above, we will email you your booking confirmation. All payments must

be in EUROS and must be made by bank transfer with any bank expenses covered by the client.

2. Late Payments

In case the Client completed payment after the due date Explore Messinia is not obliged to accept the booking. In order to accept this

booking, Explore Messinia will ask the Client to pay for an additional charge 10% of the total trip cost.

3. Last minute bookings

In case the Client has a request for a last-minute booking, Explore Messinia will advise availability. Additional charges may apply for

this booking to be accepted.

4. Cancellation by Client

Should the Client wish to cancel for any reason, the following cancellation fees will be imposed:

✓ Cancellation 90-31 days before the start of the trip: Explore Messinia will refund 100% of the paid amount.

✓ Cancellation 30-8 days before the start of the trip: Explore Messinia will refund 50% of the paid amount.

✓ Cancellation 7-0 days before the start of the trip: Explore Messinia will reserve 100% of the paid amount.

✓ In the case of no show of a Client Explore Messinia reserves the right to keep the whole paid amount.

5. Cancellation by Explore Messinia

On very rare occasions we will need to cancel your tour due to severe weather conditions or other unforeseen circumstances beyond

our control. Client will have the option of receiving a full refund if a Day Trip is canceled due to inappropriate weather conditions or any

other reason beyond our control. We usually do not cancel tours due to cloudy skies or scattered showers although we do cancel when

winds are too strong, when rain is steady and strong or when thunderstorms appear likely. We will notify you if we cancel your trip and

we will give you a choice between rescheduling or receiving a full refund.

6. Itinerary

The itinerary for each day trip is an approximate plan or aim rather than a specific objective. It is not a contractual agreement and local

conditions, especially weather and sea state may sometimes lead to a change of plan. The itinerary is subject to change at the discretion

of the tour leader, for safety reasons. Explore Messinia reserves the right to make a change or alter the trip, due to weather conditions,

safety reasons, low physical level or any other factor beyond our control -force majeure (natural disasters, inclement weather, strikes

etc). Such changes will always be at the discretion of the company’s group leader and the company. Explore Messinia or his

representatives holds no financial responsibility for such changes, nor liability for subsequent related additional costs and/or refunds of

whatsoever nature. Any financial compensation for additional costs, whether foreseeable or not, are the responsibility of the client or

should be claimed through the client’s insurance company where applicable.

7. During the program

The Client agrees to accept the authority and decisions of Explore Messinias’s employees, tour leaders, and agents whilst on the

program with Explore Messinia. If in the opinion of such persons, the health or action of a participant at any time before or after departure

appears likely to endanger the safe, comfortable, or smooth progress of a program, the participant may be excluded from all or part of

the program without refund or compensation. In case of health/medical problems, Explore Messinia may make such arrangements, as

it seems fit, and recover the costs thereof from the participant. If a participant commits an illegal act, the participant may be excluded

from the program, and Explore Messinia shall cease to have responsibility to/ for them.

8. Alterations by the Client – participants

Any sudden or not justified change (date, destination, number of participants, etc), is regarded as a cancellation and complies with the

conditions of paragraph 4.

9. Extra expenses

All extra expenses have to be paid on the spot by the Client. These are expenses requested by the Client during/after the program that

had not been originally requested (such as gratuities, side excursions, extra transfers, extra food and beverages etc).

10. Complaints – Refund Policy

In case Client requires a refund after the end of the program, he/she has to state his/her demand in written, at the latest 10 working

days after the end of the program. Explore Outdoor Activities will review the request and revert within 10 working days, after carefully

examining the demands and facts of the tour. Explore Outdoor Activities will not provide any refund to the Client unless the above

procedure has been followed. No refund will be given for any unused services.

11. Physical condition

An average physical condition is required for all trips. Please consider the suitability of such a trip/activity before booking. It is the

responsibility of the client to be aware of the fitness level for a particular trip. When in doubt, please call Explore Outdoor Activities and

discuss it. By sending a deposit toward your trip purchase the Client certifies that do not have any physical condition or disability that

would create a hazard for him/her or other travelers.

12. Weather and safety

Our outdoor trips and activities are in natural environment and will be affected by the weather. The weather in Greece might be very

changeable both to temperatures and type of weather. On our tours you might experience both sunshine, rain, wind, calm and a variety

of temperatures on the same day. We recommend bringing appropriate clothing for every season.

13. Health and Safety

Explore Messinia focus entirely on Clients’ experience and our priority is always his/hers health and safety. Now, more than ever, we

focus on every aspect of hygiene for our guests and employees without overlooking your contentment while touring with us. We are

following closely the guidelines of Greece’s top health experts and the Greek government therefore, we have taken precautionary

measures, reinforcing our already stringent practices in, group of participants management, food hygienic standards, equipment

disinfection and cleaning. With this in mind, the following are measures currently in place:

– Safe distances will be kept between travelers and guides in activities such as, kayaking, hiking, canyoning.

– Our kayaks, paddles, PFD’s and equipment will be daily washed and disinfected.

– Maximum number of participants to all our trips will be decreased to meet those defined by the law and the sanitary standards.

– All the hygienic measures will be applied to our snacks, picnic’s, meals (such as personalized packed ingredients etc), without

neglecting our commitment to our environmental policy for the use of less plastic.

– Our guides will be well trained and updated so any inconvenience will be avoided and they will be there to ensure the

application of the above.

In addition to all the measures we are willing to take for your health and safety, it is important that you understand and comply with the

basic personal hygiene rules.

14. Travel Insurance

It is your responsibility to ensure that you have adequate insurance cover for your arrangement and activities with Explore Outdoor

Activities. We can accept no responsibility if you fail to take out adequate insurance in relation to our holiday arrangements. Before

travelling on a trip, we strongly recommend you review your personal insurance and health insurance to ensure you have coverage

appropriate to meet your needs, and the needs of your family and dependents, in case of any loss of property or illness, injury or death.

15. Responsibilities – Disclaimer:

By booking on to an outdoor activity or a holiday package with us, you accept that you are participating in activities of your own accord,

entirely at your own risk and expressly accept that neither Explore Outdoor Activities or its employees have any responsibility or liability

for loss or injury. The trips and activities (mainly outdoor) operated by the Explore Messinia are suitable for most of the general public.

Participants need a basic level of fitness (unless the program states another level of fitness), team – work mentality and the ability to

follow instructions. However, despite all our efforts to keep a high standard of safety, there is always an element of risk of personal

injury or even death, given the nature of outdoor activities and the. The responsibility of Explore Messinia is limited to ensure that all

the necessary equipment and experienced guides are provided for the tour and that the safest routes are the chosen ones.

16. Mandatory Forms

I. Waiver

Each participant must complete a waiver before going out on the tour. You will be given the opportunity to view the waiver and ask

questions before you sign. Once your reservation is confirmed you will receive a separate e-mail with a link to our e-waiver. You reserve

the right to sign a paper copy if you do not wish to sign electronically.

II. Kayak & Equipment Use

After your booking is confirmed, the planning begins. We require that each guest complete a lending agreement of Sea Kayak &

Equipment use acknowledging the responsibility for looking after any equipment during the trip. Explore Messinia reserves the right to

apply post trip surcharges for unreasonable wear and tear and for accidental damage or loss to equipment and Kayaks.

III. Client Experience & Medical History

Clients must truthfully reveal, by means of a questionnaire, their relevant sea kayaking and expedition experience and relevant medical

history, to enable the expedition organiser or leader to make an informed decision on the suitability of the client. When deciding on the

suitability of a client the expedition organiser and leader will consider their previous relevant experience, technical ability, physical and

mental toughness, fitness, and group compatibility.

17. Data Protection.

Personal data, photographs, videos or contact details provided by the client to the organizer will not be sold or given out to any other

party without your permission. During the program, participants may be photographed or video recorded. All material may be used by

Explore Messinia for its promotional activities (brochures, website, advertisements etc). In case you do not wish to show up to our

promotional material you should send us a written declaration.

18. Personal belongings.

Explore Messinia can hold onto larger baggage for you while you are out on the water, however, we cannot be held responsible for

personal belongings and equipment. Items stored in our vehicles or with our staff are at your own risk. If you take valuables during our

activities e.g., jewelry, watches, glasses, non-waterproof cameras, etc you do so at your own risk