Map of Greece

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A boat trip to the natural escape of Polyegos

A boat trip to the natural escape of Polyegos

Discover the largest uninhabited island in the Aegean: Not just a virgin landscape of pristine beaches, but an escape for rare and protected wildlife, just off Milos.
A tour of the colourful villages of Milos

A tour of the colourful villages of Milos

Milos is an island full of Cycladic charm, with villages and seaside settlements that are postcard-pretty and filled with traditions
Landing on the lunar landscape of Sarakiniko beach

Landing on the lunar landscape of Sarakiniko beach

Feel like the star of your own photo shoot as you explore a unique setting of chalk-white rock and azure-blue sea on the northeastern coast of Milos, and prepare to fall in love … to the moon and back.
Milos’ beautiful beaches and bays revealed by boat

Milos’ beautiful beaches and bays revealed by boat

There’s no better way to discover the beauty of an island of ever-changing colours and enchanting beaches than hopping on a boat and exploring a unique coastline.